by Annie Mond on Saturday, March 19, 2011 at 11:30pm.
You can find information on the San Bernabe animal auction and the animal suffering at and the Youtube video, enclosed.
The enclosed link to the petition
is about a slaughter auction in Mexico with many horses and donkeys at the auction...the pictures in the video are horrible. They are hoping an international petition will put more pressure on the government to close this horribly cruel auction. Please help and sign their petition. Some of these horses may come from the US.
Elizabeth Forel
This is an International Petition to shut down this very cruel Mexican slaughter facility.
The San Bernabe auction is a source of violence that has permeated not only
other animal auctions of the State of Mexico but also most of the MexicanRepublic.
It is the largest animal auction in Mexico. It is the central dissemination point of
sale for slaughter animals.
Since October of 2007 and through multiple witness reports, television and
newspaper headlines, animal protection groups of Mexico have been alerting
the Mexican community of the terrible animal abuse and extremely poor
sanitary conditions at the San Bernabe animal auction in Mexico (Mercado de
San Bernabe). The San Bernabe auction is located in the Almoloya de Juarez
municipality, about 100 kilometers west of Mexico City. Here, an environment
of violence and impunity persists before the eyes of the Governor of the
State of Mexico, *Enrique Peña Nieto*. The local authorities with
jurisdiction over the auction, in spite of having full power to inspect
operations, enforce humane regulations, and impose sanctions on the numerous
extreme violations have thus far been totally apathetic. Regulations aimed
at providing a somewhat sane level of humane animal treatment and sanction
the extreme brutality currently exist but have never been enforced.Therefore,
in effect, extreme animal cruelty persists unchecked without reprieve or recourse
at the San Bernabe auction.
Domestic animals as well as wildlife are sold every Monday at the auction
with the majority of domestic animals being horses and donkeys. Many animals
are of unclear origin and visibly sick, although suspected starting point
for most are states in central and northern Mexico, with some horses
traveling from locations as far north as the United States. They travel
thousands of miles to the San Bernabe auction to either be sold for various
domestic uses as live animals or butchered in clandestine slaughterhouses
throughout Mexico for their meat. It is possible that some of these horses
are ultimately sold to state slaughterhouses in Zacatecas and Aguascalientes
where they are processed and their meat is exported to markets overseas.
Horses and donkeys arrive at the auction in appalling condition.* *Those
that arrive alive are sadistically dragged out of the trucks despite
exposed fractures, bleeding open wounds and sores observed on
some of them. Horses are often suspended with ropes along truck
walls as they are too weak to remain standing. These so-called
"disposable animals" are kept alive because the price of a kilo of living meat is
$20.00 pesos, or about $2 USD, which is almost twice the price for a kilo of dead
meat. When the agony finally ends and an animal dies, it is immediately cut open
and its viscera is thrown to the ground where it remains without prompt subsequent
removal. Even more alarming is the disposal of animal entrails and blood in the
nearby Lerma River which creates a* *serious environmental and health threat.
The beatings, kicking, and use of electric cattle prods on the animals at
the auction are constant. Terrified and panicking donkeys and mules
regularly beaten to death.
We believe that it is mandatory to comply with Mexican federal and state
legislation regarding animal health and humane treatment, wildlife and
environmental preservation issues. An animal auction like San Bernabe with
no adequate health standards and with such pervading intense brutality must
be regularly inspected and adequate sanctions imposed without excuses to
overlook these severe violations.
The Governor of the State of Mexico, *Enrique Peña Nieto*, in coordination
with the City Council of Almoloya de Juarez and all other regulatory
entities with jurisdiction over the San Bernabe auction must assert their
authority and, for the sake of the physical and mental health of the
community, enforce the Federal Law of Animal Health; General Law of Wild
Animals; Law for the Environmental Balance; Biodiversity Code of the State
of Mexico; and the Mexican official regulations concerning the sale,
transport and handling of working and slaughter animals. They must also
sanction the numerous blatant violations occurring at the auction.
State and municipal governments are fully responsible for enforcing existing
regulations. For example, the Biodiversity Code of the State of Mexico,
stipulates the obligation of the municipalities, the Ministry of Health and
the State Environmental Ministry to immediately ensure proper care of the
animals and shut down animal auctions where cruelty or abuse take place, and
the life or safety of animals is at risk. Concerned Mexican citizens have
repeatedly asked Governor *Enrique Peña Nieto* for the enforcement of
existing laws as well as the implementation of a strong animal rights and
welfare educational campaign among the San Bernabe animal auction traders
and animal owners. Unfortunately, the Governor has thus far ignored all
urgent requests and pleas by citizens mainly because animal cruelty,
politically speaking, is not an important matter on his agenda.
The San Bernabe auction is a source of violence that has permeated not only
other animal auctions of the State of Mexico but also most of the Mexican
Republic. It is the largest animal auction in Mexico. It is the central
dissemination point of sale for slaughter animals.* *Here a Dantean scenario
of cruelty and filth rules undeterred where existing laws are not enforced
and supervision of auction operations, animal treatment or sanitary practices,
is nonexistent. The San Bernabe auction in Almoloya de Juarez makes
a mockery of humanity and is one of the most shameful examples of
animal brutality and ill health in Mexico. We have fought alone for a long
time and are now reaching out to the international community to please help us
make a change for San Barnabe’s animals. Their suffering is immense.
Thank you!
Name of the group that is sending this letter