Sunday, May 31, 2009


A ProMED-mail post

ProMED-mail is a program of the
International Society for Infectious Diseases

Date: 29 May 2009
Source: [edited]

The number of United States horses exposed to the venereal disease
contagious equine metritis (CEM) has topped 900. State and federal
authorities have been tracing potential cases of the disease since the 1st
cases were identified in central Kentucky in mid-December 2008.
Investigations have unearthed a total of 19 stallions confirmed as positive
for the disease by the US Department of Agriculture's National Veterinary
Services Laboratories (NVSL).

In addition to the positive stallions, 5 mares have been found positive for
_Taylorella equigenitalis_, the bacterium that causes the disease. None of
the positive horses has yet been identified as the source of the outbreak.
"The epidemiologic investigation continues to pursue all available
information relative to determining the origin of this outbreak, but no
conclusions can yet be drawn," the department said.

As well as the 19 stallions and 5 mares, locations have been confirmed for
904 additional horses exposed to the bacteria. The 928 horses are located
across 48 states. There are 270 exposed or positive stallions in 29 states
and 658 exposed or positive mares in 46 states. Only Hawaii and Rhode
Island do not have at least one horse that is known to be exposed or positive.

The 19 positive stallions are in 6 states: one in Georgia, 3 in Illinois, 3
in Indiana, 4 in Kentucky, one in Texas, and 7 in Wisconsin. The 5 positive
mares are in 3 states: 2 in California, 2 in Illinois, and one in
Wisconsin. All positive horses and all exposed horses that have been
located are currently under quarantine or hold order. Testing and treatment
protocols are being put into action for all located horses.

Of the 270 stallions, 76 have now completed their entire testing and
treatment protocols and been determined to be negative for _T.
equigenitalis_. Of the 76 that are now negative, 68 were exposed stallions
and 8 were stallions that had previously tested positive. Those 8
stallions, 4 from Kentucky, 3 from Indiana, and one from Texas, are now
free of the bacteria after being treated and re-tested. Another 98 exposed
stallions are negative on their initial sampling cultures but have
additional testing requirements to complete before being declared free of
the bacterium.

Of the 658 mares, a total of 434 have completed testing and treatment and
are negative for _T. equigenitalis_.

All 4 of the positive Kentucky stallions were on the central Kentucky
premises during the 2008 breeding season. The Texas and Indiana stallions
also spent time on the Kentucky premises during 2008.

The positive Wisconsin stallions were not in Kentucky, but 4 of them were
co-located during at least one breeding season in Wisconsin with a positive
stallion that was on the Kentucky premises in 2008. The 5th, 6th, and 7th
Wisconsin stallions all spent time at the same breeding facility used by
the 4th positive Wisconsin stallion and by the 3 positive Illinois
stallions. The positive Georgia stallion was co-located with 3 positive
Wisconsin stallions in 2008. The positive Wisconsin mare was bred by the
2nd positive stallion in Wisconsin. Each of the positive mares in Illinois
and in California were bred by artificial insemination (AI) in 2008 using
semen from a positive stallion.

Both California mares were exposed by AI to the 1st positive stallion in
Wisconsin, and the 1st Illinois mare was exposed to a positive stallion now
in Indiana. The 2nd positive mare in Illinois was exposed by AI in 2008 to
the 2nd positive Illinois stallion.

An exposed horse is one that was bred to a positive horse, either naturally
or via artificial insemination, or one that is otherwise epidemiologically
linked to a positive horse, as determined by state and federal animal
health officials.

communicated by:
ProMED-mail rapporteur Susan Baekeland

[A detailed look at contagious equine metritis and the consequences can be
found in the moderator comments of ProMED-mail postings 20090116.0178 and
20091131.0442. - Mod.TG]

[see also:
Contagious equine metritis - USA (11): (multistate) 20090510.1742
Contagious equine metritis - USA (10): update 20090327.1191
Contagious equine metritis - USA (09): (KY) 20090319.1104
Contagious equine metritis - USA (08): (GA) 20090319.1100
Contagious equine metritis - USA (07): (WI) 20090309.0976
Contagious equine metritis - Canada 20090222.0735
Contagious equine metritis - USA (06): update 20090205.0512
Contagious equine metritis - USA (05): (ME) 20090131.0442
Contagious equine metritis - USA (04): (TX) 20090116.0178
Contagious equine metritis - USA (03): (WI) 20090109.0084
Contagious equine metritis - USA (02): (OK) 20090106.0054
Contagious equine metritis - USA: (KY), OIE 20090102.0012]

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are posted, but the accuracy and completeness of the
information, and of any statements or opinions based
thereon, are not guaranteed. The reader assumes all risks in
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Saturday, May 30, 2009

Breeders Worry About "UnWanted" Horses but Keep Right On Breeding Them

Not many options for unwanted horses

By J.D. STETSON The Gillette News-Record

While people may joke that they're going to send an unruly horse to the "glue factory," it's a threat that now has little bite.

In November, Lacy Schwend saved one lucky horse from a fate on the chopping block when she was contacted by a horse rescue organization in Colorado.

Her horse, Red, has spent the past few months living at Stage Coach Stables, and he is fed about four flakes of hay a day, which is about a one-third of a bale of hay.

Before, he spent his days on a Colorado "Dude" ranch where he was fed a flake of hay a day. The owners said he couldn't do what was required of him on the ranch and he would go to a kill-buyer if no one was found to take him.

She paid $300 for the 16-year-old horse and now she wouldn't dream of selling him.

Instead, she would rather give the horse to the 10-year-old girl who rides him each day. There is only one condition — the horse is returned if the girl ever decides she doesn't want him.

Many more horses aren't as lucky as Red.

Hundreds of unwanted horses are shipped across borders to Canada and Mexico to undergo slaughter to feed people in countries that eat horse meat.

Schwend isn't an advocate for the horses. She admits that she wouldn't have taken the horse if it had been 30 years old. She believes that a horse that has poor quality of life should be put down — so long as it is in a humane way.

But she believes that every animal needs to have a chance to find a place for itself other than death, if possible.

"Horses have jobs just like people have jobs. They all can't do the same thing and do good at the same thing," she said.

Since 2007, the horse market has taken a hit because of the closure of several horse slaughter plants in the United States.

Horses sold for slaughter set the base price for horses across a wide spectrum — from young quarter horses to stallions with pedigrees. When it stopped, the price of horses plummeted, said Rep. Sue Wallis, R-Recluse.

There are now more horses than demand warrants, which is causing deflation in the cost for young, unbroken horses.

In the past two years, there have been more complaints of horse neglect than in the past, said Cody Cunningham, a brand inspector for the Wyoming Livestock Board.

He's seen many instances where a horse owner will skimp on feeding the horses in the winter and hope they gain back the weight in the summer. Many times it doesn't work.

He's also seen instances of horse abandonment, where someone would leave a horse at a sale.

There aren't many options left for people who want to get rid of a horse.

He pointed out instances where people have started refuges, but couldn't afford to keep them operational because of the costs involved with maintaining a horse.

"If a horse isn't broke to ride or bred well, it's worth close to nothing," Cunningham said.

Many states have taken up legislation to address the issue.

The Wyoming Legislature recently passed a resolution asking the U.S. Congress not to pass the Prevention of Equine Cruelty Act of 2009 that would prohibit the transportation of horse meat, or live horses for slaughter.

Montana legislators passed a law in May that allows a horse slaughter plant within the state, and also has provisions to stop frivolous lawsuits by animal activist organizations to stop a plant from being built.

Jennifer Cook had 20 quarter horses earlier in the year, most of them were 1 to 10 years old. She had 10 left in mid-May after selling the others.

Most of the horses went for a cost lower than what she wanted. Her prices have ranged from $75 to $400. She has about four horses that won't be sold because they are family pets and are used for breeding. The fate of the others is uncertain.

In the past, she has sold horses to a "kill-buyer," or someone who bought the horse to take to a processing facility.

"You can't expect a goodhearted person to always come along," she said.

At one time she raised, sold and broke horses, a job that used to bring in about $10,000 a year. But because of health problems and the downturn in the market, she'll be out of the business for a while.

"A ton of hay costs about what the horse costs," Cook said.

Cook has worked for a veterinarian's office in the past and has seen firsthand how horses are put down there and at the slaughterhouse.

In her opinion, the horse suffers less at the slaughterhouse because it is knocked out before being killed. At the veterinarian clinic, she's seen horses jump and thrash after receiving the killing injection during euthanasia.

"They get hit, and they don't know what hit them," she said.

Eating horse meat isn't a very welcome prospect to Cook. But she thinks the slaughter needs to happen because there are too many horses that need saving, and not enough places to take them in.

She has taken in horses from friends and strangers in the past that are handed over to her because they can no longer afford to take care of them.

She's also heard the stories of abandonment. For example, one person attended a sale and forgot to lock their trailer, only to find someone had loaded a horse in it.

"There's just a point where people don't want them anymore," she said.

For Schwend, it's a labor of love.

Her horse was by no means a "perfect" horse when she bought him.

He had sores on his back and needed to be wormed three times before he would gain weight.

But even though it was hard work to get him back to health, she believed it was her responsibility rather than trading him in for a new one.

She thinks of him like one of her children. The responsibility she feels for the children is the same as she feels for her horses — she has another horse, Jedi, that was rescued when she was younger. Jedi has a stall right next to Red. She smiles when the horses whinny because they're happy to see her — and they also know she has food for them.

"People shouldn't be able to pay for convenience," she said. "Pets and kids aren't convenient, you have to be responsible."

On the Net:

United Organizations of the Horse:


Information from: The Gillette News Record - Gillette,

MS MANY NAMES RESPONDS to a moronic statement made above;

I absolutely could NOT believe when I read this:

Excerpt from article above;

"...In her opinion, the horse suffers less at the slaughterhouse because it is knocked out before being killed. At the veterinarian clinic, she's seen horses jump and thrash after receiving the killing injection during euthansia."

My reply: I would have to say the vet was doing something very wrong, didnt know what he was doing as far as the right drug or dosage, or missed a vein or something. Please dont form your opinion on horse slaughter just because you vet didnt know what he was doing.

In the link below you can watch a vid to see how "real" humane euthansia works, of course, when the vet knows what he is doing.

Thanks to the good folks at HORSEKILLERS.COM and SHARK, in the link below you can see actual footage of horses meeting their end in an American $laughterhouse (now closed) ...this is what supporters of horse $laughter describe as 'humane euthansia." WARNING, THESE VIDEOS ARE GRAPHIC and may be disturbing. Once you access the site, page down to where it says: THE HORRORS OF HORSE $LAUGHTER to see the American $laughterhouse videos, and just below that, where it says HUMANE EQUINE EUTHANSIA, there is a link where you can compare and watch a video showing what HUMANE EUTHANSIA really is. The "Humane" video shows two "beloved" horses, good buddies, that are HUMANELY EUTHANISED together by their owners & a veterinan in a field at home. View both these videos, death in a $laughterhouse and death at home by lethal injection, and YOU be the judge as to which method is or is not "less traumatic." Slaughter IS NOT humane. Slaughter IS NOT euthansia. Slaughter CAN NEVER be is by its very nature violent and traumatic for the animal EVERYTIME.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

"Stallions to Gelding" Free or Low Cost Castration Clinic Works for Some....But Not Us


Castration Clinics Snip Away at Unwanted Horse Population

by: Liz Brown

May 27 2009, Article # 14217

Equine groups across the country are attempting to reduce the number of unwanted horses at the source, through subsidized castration clinics aimed to reduce the number of foals hitting the ground.

Stallion to Gelding Support is a national program designed by the Horse Protection Society of North Carolina. The program has been offering vouchers for free castrations since February. Owners must submit an application and be approved for a voucher, which can be used anywhere in the United States.

Director Susan Lurz said the economy has been the main catalyst for the program.

According to Lurz, 32 stallions have been gelded, or approved for gelding, through the program. Based on the number of times those stallions reproduced last year, 126 births have been prevented.

"This program is the future," Lurz said. "We cannot continue to let our rescues be inundated with horses that have been neglected or are in poor health as a result of poor breeding practices."

Tawnee Presiner, founder of NorCal Equine Rescue in Oroville, Calif., agrees that castration is key to solving the unwanted horse problem.

"If a horse (that is not stallion quality) is gelded, he has a much better chance at a good life," she said. "There's so many times we're at auctions and see stallions go through that nobody wants."

The NorCal program has so far subsidized castrations for 20 area stallions. One owner used the program to geld six of her stallions.

The Minnesota Horse Council is offering a program that aims to not only castrate stallions, but educate owners.

"We followed the lead of the Unwanted Horse Coalition: through education and teaching people to 'own responsibly,' we can reduce the number of unwanted horses," said Tracy A. Turner, DVM, MS, Dipl. ACVS, chairman of the Minnesota Horse Council's Unwanted Horse Committee.

To obtain a gelding voucher, owners must attend eight horse husbandry seminars, designed to give the average owner a basic understanding of responsible horse care.

For more information on Minnesota's gelding project contact Krishona Martinson at 612/625-6776, or Julie Wilson, DVM, Dipl. ACVIM at 612/625-3745.
This bloggers note: We called "Stallion to Geldings" to see if we could get some help gelding the two stallions we have rescued; one a mini-horse and the other a standard donk. The answer was no help for us as the program was intended for "horses that might otherwise be used for breeding." In other words, breeders, not rescues, get the break. As always, the rescues are on their own.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Mystery Of Horse Domestication Solved

Wild horses were domesticated in the Ponto-Caspian steppe region (today Russia, Kazakhstan, Ukraine, Romania) in the 3rd millennium B.C. Despite the pivotal role horses have played in the history of human societies, the process of their domestication is not well understood.

In a new study published in the scientific journal Science, an analysis by German researchers from the Leibniz Institute for Zoo and Wildlife Research, Berlin, the German Archaeological Institute, the Humboldt University Berlin, the Max Planck Institute of Evolutionary Anthropology, Leipzig, in cooperation with American and Spanish scientists, has unravelled the mystery about the domestication of the horse.

Based on ancient DNA spanning the time between the Late Pleistocene and the Middle Ages, targeting nuclear genes responsible for coat colorations allows to shed light on the timing and place of horse domestication. Furthermore the study demonstrates how rapid the number of colorations increased as one result of the domestication. As well, it shows very clearly that the huge variability of coloration in domestic horses which can be observed today is a result of selective breeding by ancient farmers.

Our modern human societies were founded on the Neolithic revolution, which was the transformation of wild plants and animals into domestic ones available for human nutrition. Within all domestic animals, no other species has had such a significant impact on the warfare, transportation and communication capabilities of human societies as the horse.

For many millennia, horses were linked to human history changing societies on a continent-wide scale, be it with Alexander the Great’s or Genghis Khan’s armies invading most of Asia and Eastern Europe or Francis Pizarro destroying the Inca Empire with about 30 mounted warriors. The horse was a costly and prestigious animal in all times, featured in gifts from one sovereign to another as a nobleman’s mark.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Garnering Support for HR 503


Dear Friends,

With the start of this week, we are implementing a variation to our strategy in an effort to gain swift support for H.R.503.

Below is our target list (past cosponsors of H.R.6598).

When calling each office, please ask for the LD (legislative Aide) who is handling H.R.503. When speaking with the LD, it is very important to gather feedback. Once you have feedback, please email that feedback to CJ (

We are currently at 128 cosponsors. Great job everyone!!

Target List For H.R.503 (House Bill)
Rep Brown, Corrine [FL-3] - 9/8/2008
Phone: 202-225-0123 Fax: 202-225-2256
Rep Cleaver, Emanuel [MO-5] - 9/16/2008
Phone: 202-225-4535 Fax: 202-225-4403
Rep Ellison, Keith [MN-5] - 9/9/2008
Phone: 202-225-4755 Fax: 202-225-4886
Rep Farr, Sam [CA-17] - 9/25/2008
Phone: 202-225-2861 Fax: 202-225-6791
Rep Giffords, Gabrielle [AZ-8] - 7/31/2008
Phone: 202-225-2542 Fax: 202-225-0378
Rep Johnson, Eddie Bernice [TX-30] - 9/9/2008
Phone: 202-225-8885 Fax: 202-226-1477
Rep Johnson, Henry C. "Hank," Jr. [GA-4] - 9/10/2008
Phone: 202-225-1605 Fax: 202-226-0691
Rep Mollohan, Alan B. [WV-1] - 9/15/2008
Phone: 202-225-4172 Fax: 202-225-7564
Rep Norton, Eleanor Holmes [DC] - 9/25/2008
Phone: 202-225-8050 Fax: 202-225-3002
Rep Pallone, Frank, Jr. [NJ-6] - 9/26/2008
Phone: 202-225-4671 Fax: 202-225-9665
Rep Schmidt, Jean [OH-2] - 9/8/2008
Phone: 202-225-3164 Fax: 202-225-1992
Rep Tierney, John F. [MA-6] - 9/16/2008
Phone: 202-225-8020 Fax: 202-225-5915
Rep Towns, Edolphus [NY-10] - 9/8/2008
Phone: 202-225-5936 Fax: 202-225-1018
Rep Tsongas, Niki [MA-5] - 9/8/2008
Phone: 202-225-3411 Fax: 202-226-0771
Rep Welch, Peter [VT] - 9/24/2008
Phone: 202-225-4115 Fax: 202-225-5974
Rep Wilson, Joe [SC-2] - 9/25/2008
Phone: 202-225-2452 Fax: 202-225-2455
Rep Wittman, Robert J. [VA-1] - 9/25/2008
Phone: 202-225-4261 Fax: 202-225-4382

FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE - You can use this toll-free number 800-828-0498 and ask for a legislator by name (or ask for extension, last 5 numbers of legislator's office phone)Please Note: We have started a separate thread titled “State Action Needed”. Several States have introduced their own legislation to allow horse slaughter. These states need our help. to keep this from happening. Please pass the word!!

Remember, WE ARE BARBARO’S VOICE.....Let it be heard.
Shelley and Deb
Americans Against Horse Slaughter

Debra, WI - Americans Against Horse Slaughter

Starving, Neglected "Unwanted" Cows

May 26, 2009


For OP ED Page

Contact: Duane Burright


We can't slaughter our way to horse welfare by Duane Burright

CHICAGO, (EWA) – By now everyone is familiar with the subject of horses being neglected or starved, along with the claims from those in agricultural circles that slaughter is "necessary" to prevent horse neglect and that it is a way to dispose of unwanted horses. I've been hearing that litany from all of the agricultural publications and blogs, the American Quarter Horse Association (AQHA), the American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA), the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association (NCBA), various state Farm Bureaus and from a group of clueless politicians including Illinois’ Rep. Jim Sacia, Sue Wallis of Wyoming and former Texas congressman and paid slaughter lobbyist, Charles Stenholm.

I find it odd that they see slaughter as being the solution for horse neglect, but when it comes to neglected or starving cattle, they are stumped. In this USA Today article Starving cattle amid high prices for feed in Neb, Steven Stanec, executive director of the Nebraska Brand Committee, a state agency that helps police the cattle industry stated that "Neglect cases are on the rise, and what's causing it, I'm not sure. We're having whole herds of hundreds of cattle being neglected."

In doing a simple Google search I found other related headlines which show that cattle starving to death is a fairly widespread problem – Officials raid farm with 30 dead, 100 plus starving cows, Starving cows rescued near Paisley on road to recovery and Starving cattle seized in Lake County.

According to the National Agricultural Statistics Service, 34.4 million cattle were slaughtered in 2008, that's an average of 94,247 cows slaughtered per day. According to Cattle Network, beef production is up over last year.

Now with all of those cattle going to slaughter, one would wonder why cattle neglect is happening. Using the logic that the AQHA, AVMA, NCBA, Farm Bureaus and the other proponents of the horse slaughter industry apply to starving or neglected horses that "slaughtering prevents neglect", one would think that we wouldn't have problems with starving or neglected cattle. Yet guys like Steven Stanec aren't sure why cattle neglect cases are on the rise.

What further weakens the argument that “slaughter is needed to prevent horse neglect” is that while all of these articles have been written about neglected and starving horses, the option of horse slaughter has been available in the United States. Horse owners can take the horses they no longer want to keep to the local livestock auction and the neighborhood friendly kill buyers will happily take the horse off their hands. According to statistics from the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) 134,059 American horses have been slaughtered at the European owned plants in Canada and Mexico in 2008. American horses still continue to go to slaughter as you read this, so the slaughter pipeline continues to function despite the claims to the contrary.

The reality is that slaughter has nothing to do with animal welfare. Since slaughter apparently doesn't magically solve the problem of starving and neglected cattle, it is fallacy to think that slaughter will solve the problem of starving and neglected horses. The problem of cattle being neglected is due to the current economic crisis, that same economic crisis is making it difficult for horse owners.

In fact, a study released in June of 2008 showed there was no correlation between horse slaughter and neglect, but a clear linkage between unemployment and neglect. Prophetically, the study warned in its conclusions that if economic conditions continued to deteriorate an upward trend in neglect could be expected.

The AQHA, AVMA, NCBA, Farm Bureaus and all of their political allies put a lot of time, energy and money into supporting horse slaughter. If these special interest groups were to focus all of those resources on solving the nation's economic problems rather than supporting a foreign owned industry that doesn’t even pay their taxes, we might be able to get something done.

It is a pity they are so narrow minded.

Duane Burright is a software engineer by trade, aside from horses and their welfare he's also interested in American musclecars, vintage electric fans, computers and software design. He has been involved in the campaign to make the American Horse Slaughter Prevention Act (AHSPA) law since 2003 and is a supporter of a nearby wild horse sanctuary.

Monday, May 25, 2009

The Extreme Cowboy Association. Good or Bad?

Click on title above to visit their site;

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Banamine Scare

We've had 2 of these in the clinic in the past year. Its no joke, they really do die quite often. We've been very lucky in that the owners felt that something was wrong quickly enough to do something. They got them in and yes literally we have to open wounds to provide drainage anywhere they are swollen. Its a bad deal. Hopefully more people will realize they could be next.

Tim Stewart, DVM

- - - -
If you are receiving this email then you are either a friend or fellow barrel racer. We have all given our share of shots especially banamine. Most of us carry it in our trailers for emergencies and are not afraid to give our horse a shot if we think something is wrong or if the threat of colic appears. I have been around horses all my life and I too have given hundreds of banamine shots in the muscle-because as it says on the bottle-its safe either IV or IM. Well, I hope this will make you think twice about giving your horse another banamine shot in the muscle.

I gave my horse Harley 10cc of banamine and B12 (in the neck) last Tuesday night because she wasn't acting like herself, wasn't eating, labored breathing, slight temp, etc. Her run at Cullman was not up to her ability and she was acting funny Monday and Tuesday. I figured it couldn't hurt her right? By Thursday morning she could hardly walk and something was obviously wrong. I loaded up and went to MSU. She was admitted that afternoon and she is still their. Your probably saying that I used a contaminated syringe or needle or I had a bad bottle of banamine or I didn't give it in the right place or this could never happen to me or my horse, right?!!! Well I assure you that this is not the case. This only happens with banamine (she had a B12 shot on the other side of her neck). It is very rare and there hasn't been a case at MSU in 5 or 6 years. Somehow a strain of bacteria grows at the injection site and causes swelling (which is fluid and infection) and if not treated it is fatal. The bacteria grows in the dark and doesn't require air to survive. There is no cure, no magical antibiotic for this type of bacteria (Clostridium I think its called). The only cure is cutting through flesh, fat, and muscle to allow light and air to, hopefully, kill the bacteria. This is VERY expensive to treat. So, after looking at the pictures of my mare please ask yourself "Is a $10 shot of banamine worth $6,000-$8,000 in vet bills or possibly your horses' life?? I'm not saying to stop using banamine. It is safe to give it IV or orally.

I hope you can learn something from my nightmare. Please say a prayer for her. She is not "out of the woods" yet.

Angela Johnson Hudson
Magnolia Farm
12 Time APHA World & Res. World Champion

Bravo Investigations Thawarted by Loose Lipped Rescuers

Statement of Ellen-Cathryn Nash Regarding Bravo Packing
March 20, 2009

On January 18, 2008 Ellen-Cathryn Nash and Dr. Lester Friedlander, DVM began the investigation of Bravo Packing with an address at 59 North Golfwood Avenue, Carney's Point, New Jersey 08069.

Ellen-Cathryn Nash first called Bravo Packing and inquired if they would euthanize a horse. Monty J. Merola said he does not euthanize horses as he does not have a veterinarian on the premises. Merola was then asked what he did with the horses. He said he puts them down with a gunshot. Ms. Nash told him that she had seen the gunshot method of euthanization. That had been done by a rated markswoman with a .32 gauge rifle with the barrel of the rifle placed in the ear of the 45 year old pony.
When Merola thought that Ms. Nash was not repulsed by horses being shot, he then told her that he slaughters the horses and sells the meat to zoos across the country, including the San Diego Zoo and the San Francisco Zoo.

Ms. Nash and Dr. Friedlander asked for PeTA's assistance first, as it is difficult for both Ms. Nash and Dr. Friedlander to get to the facility. PeTA called to arrange for the purchase, however instead of requesting some horse heads and cadaver legs, they mistakenly requested cattle heads. Merola was told the horse heads were to be used for Dr. Friedlander's research, and the cadaver legs were to be used by
barefoot trimming students. The cadaver legs were required to show evidence of hog tying, which Merola does as the legs prove. PeTA stated that they did not have time available to send another investigator to Bravo. Ms. Nash then contacted IDA (In Defense of Animals at their New York City Office) and was then referred to the
Humane Society of the United States. Help was not forthcoming from the Humane Society.

The next attempt to find another undercover investigator was with the Farm Sanctuary. The Farm Sanctuary, located in Watkins Glenn, NY, stated they were very interested in this investigation, however after weeks of waiting for a date and time, they canceled due to the price of gasoline.

Ms. Sorvino was recruited by Ms. Nash in February of 2008. In May of 2008, Ms. Sorvino requested a loan of a 'sting' undercover camera from the Humane Society of the United States. They responded to Ms. Sorvino immediately due most likely to her famous last name. They promised to send the camera, however they did not, yet they were very interested in the evidence we had already collected. Ms. Nash
told the Humane Society to 'stand down' as we had been investigating Merola for months and we knew the Humane Society would attempt to take over our investigation and reap monetary rewards from horse loving Americans while we had paid all the expenses and risked our well being. We were not investigating Merola to procure donations. We just wanted him to stop slaughtering horses as horse
slaughter, by definition, is illegal as it violates the Humane Slaughter Act of 1958. It was at this point that Ms. Sorvino contacted 'Last Chance for Animals' in California. They sent two investigators, however they were not able to obtain any video footage.

Ms. Sorvino first met Merola in person by attending the Cowtown Rodeo, located in New Jersey, to watch him compete. She was with a film crew from a CBS affiliate in Pennsylvania. The journalist grew disinterested as she was largely ignored by Merola. She was hoping to be invited to his property and see the slaughterhouse. Her interest waned when she realized that she would never be able to get the 'story' she wanted.

Ms. Sorvino made several visits to the Cowtown Rodeo to see Merola compete; however, she was never alone. Merola still considers Ms. Nash a 'friend' and as of March 19, 2009 at 8:43 pm Ms. Nash called Merola and he informed her that his physician is testing him for throat cancer. He requested that Ms. Nash send him an email as he has lost his voice and is barely able to speak. Here is the phone
record of that call. The phone used is a Vonage phone that logs all incoming and outgoing calls in real time and the data can be copied from the web site.

Mar 19, 2009 08:43 PM 18563715147 00:01:00

On September 4, 2008, Ms. Nash was able to get a ride to Bravo Packing. Ms. Nash is unable to drive as she has Multiple Sclerosis. She and Ms. Sorvino met with Merola and discussed buying horses as Ms. Sorvino indicated that she was a horse trader. Ms. Nash wanted to purchase some horses to be used for research. Merola was charmed by Ms. Sorvino and he agreed to let us buy some horses from him.

Ms. Sorvino was able to get a donor to pay for the horses, as well as the transport from Bravo Packing to Pennsylvania where her farm is located. Ms. Nash stated that she wanted to buy a filly with EPM - commonly referred to as 'Wobbler's disease' - and one Standardbred who was terribly malnourished, and the horse had a horrible case of bacterial rain rot. Merola commented that horses sold to us would
be the only horses that left his kill pen alive.

At one point, Merola became angry with Ms. Nash as she was discussing rape cases. At that time, Ms.Nash did not know that Merola was a convicted felon and had been in prison for a particularly violent rape. Due to Merola's anger at Ms. Nash, he slaughtered the filly with EPM. The Standardbred literally dropped dead 2 days after we saw him. Merola later got over his anger as he does not get much
attention from women, and he still wanted to sell horses to her.

Merola stated that his is the only slaughterhouse in the United States to process horses for carnivore consumption. He takes a lot of pride in his business, however, there are other slaughterhouses in the United States that slaughter for carnivore food. One of his clients is 'Great Adventure' in Jackson, New
Jersey and he delivers live horses for the 'Safari Park' so the carnivores can 'hunt' them.

Merola reported to Ms. Nash that in an average year, he produces 208,000 pounds of horse meat. He slaughters all breeds and wanted to charge more for Draft horses. Ms. Sorvino managed to acquire one Draft horse from Merola. When we saw that horse on September 4, 2008, he was only partially 'sighted.' When Ms. Sorvino took custody of that horse, his 'good' eye had been struck with a blunt object with such force that eye removal was required.

This investigation was sullied by 'Rescue Ink.' All that they did for us was give Ms. Nash the ride on September 4th. They travel the streets of the five boroughs of Manhattan listening for pit bulls shrieking from fighting inside the trunks of cars. While this is an honorable cause, Rescue Ink 'tipped' Merola off as Robert Mazella visited the plant and told Merola he was going to be inspected by the
New Jersey Department of Agriculture. Mazzella stated he was a reporter for the Associated Press.

Merola spent the day and night slaughtering every horse on the property. He had cleaned the water trough in the kill pen as it was thick with algae. He had cleaned the knives and saws as they were covered with blood and fat from the slaughtered horses. The state gave Merola a good report and that was due to Mazella informing him of the state investigation of a cruelty complaint. The state was unaware that Merola keeps the horses alive for as long as six months without feeding them before he 'puts them on the list.'

Mark Jurnove alerted Stu Goldman by calling him from the car when Eric from Rescue Ink was driving us home. Ms. Nash asked Mark Jurnove if he understood the concept of an undercover investigation. He kept speaking to Goldman. Mark Jurnove fabricated evidence by creating an audio CD allegedly capturing the sound of gun shots of Merola slaughtering horses. Goldman is aware of this, as is Robert Mazella. At the time that Mark Jurnove was there, Merola was in Wisconsin at an American Zoological Association convention. At no time did Merola shoot a single horse while Mark Jurnove or anyone else was there. Furthermore, Goldman and Jurnove are attempting to characterize Ms. Sorvino as 'unstable' in an effort to prevent her from testifying in this case. It is important to note that Goldman has never been to Bravo Packing. They do not want Ms. Nash to have any involvement in this case and Ms. Nash started the investigation.

This state suit should have never happened as Ms. Sorvino and Ms. Nash had retained an attorney in October of 2008 to sue Merola from the state of California. As Merola ships 'product' across the state line, we are able to sue him in Federal court.

Merola is not the only defendant in this law suit. Ms. Nash chose the venue as the state of California banned horse slaughter, Merola sells to zoos in that state, and
is most likely to enforce the Humane Slaughter Act of 1958. The NJ state suit is largely useless as there is fabricated evidence and the abuse of livestock is a 'disorderly persons' offense which carries a fine of $250.00. The prosecutor will have to argue that horses are companion animals and not livestock. There
has been an attempt in New Jersey to classify horses as companion animals and not livestock, however, the bill never survived the Assembly.

Merola is a cruel, dangerous human being. He is an alcoholic and a drug addict. He is functionally literate and often calls Ms. Nash to ask how a word is spelled. The state will prevail on Merola's possession and use of firearms. It is highly doubtful that the state will be successful reclassifying horses as companion animals and not livestock. Merola will be fined $250.00.

Ellen-Cathryn Nash certifies that all information provided in this statement is true and correct.
Ellen-Cathryn Nash

To "Meet Monty" (video)cut and paste this URL into your web-browser;\

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

TN Pro-Horse Slaughter Bill Passes in Committee

TN state Rep. Frank Niceley's pro-horse slaughter bill, very similar to the MT bill, has passed one committee and is now in another. It could be voted on at any time.

TN Rep. Niceley's Horse Slaughter Bill Passes Committee
Posted Apr 29, 2009 by lauraallen

Horse Slaughter

Update May 16: The pro-horse slaughter bill, H.B. 1428 (S.B. 1898 in the Tennessee Senate) passed the Agriculture Committee by a voice vote with only Rep. John M. Windle recording a no vote.

The bill now goes to the Government Operations Committee whose members can be found here.

Write and then call each member and urge them to vote NO on H.B. 1428. Go here to find Tennessee legislators including your own if you live in the state and write and then call and urge them to vote to H.B. 1428/S.B. 1898.

Email Tennessee Gov. Phil Bredesen and tell him you oppose horse slaughter and H.B. 1428/S.B. 1898. Send him a link to this article.

Don't let this bill pass. Horse slaughter houses don't bring revenue or jobs. Instead, they bring horrific odors of dying and dead horses, blood literally running down the streets and clogging drains, illegally dumped or discharged waste, burdens on wastewater treatment and sewage systems, financial loss, and terrible animal cruelty. It is simply a waste of taxpayer dollars for a state agency to spend time issuing rules and making concessions for this sleazy practice as contemplated by this bill particularly when it is not even legal. It is akin to supporting dog fighting rings. Go here for more about the effect of horse slaughter houses on communities.

For more on this bill as well as talking points when you contact Tennessee legsilators, read Animal Law Coalition's original report below.

Original report: Tennessee state Rep. Frank S. Niceley has offered an amendment to H.B. 1428 that would attempt to pave the way for the construction of a horse slaughter house in the state. The bill as originally proposed has nothing to do with horse slaughter.

The House Agriculture Committee has adopted the amendment to H.B. 1428.

Rep. Niceley's plan is that a foreign-owned company would build the horse slaughter house in Tennessee and ship horsemeat overseas where it is consumed as a delicacy in some countries. He claims the bill is modeled after the one in Montana passed by that state's legislature and which Gov. Brian Schweitzer may veto.

H.B. 1428 as amended states:

The general assembly finds and declares that issues related to the ...slaughter of surplus domestic horses are best addressed by proper state regulations and inspection and not by banning the humane slaughter of surplus domestic horses at the federal level or by exporting such horses to foreign countries for slaughter. The general assembly recognizes the necessity and benefit of Tennessee's ability to direct the transport and processing of this state's surplus domestic horses....

[T]he general assembly intends to encourage the location of equine slaughter and processing facilities in Tennessee".

The bill as amended would establish a program for the "licensure, licensure renewal, permitting, inspection, and regulation of equine slaughter and processing facilities in Tennessee."

The bill would require fees to fund the program and also a pay as you go inspection system.

Anyone who challenges the issuance of a license or permit for a horse slaughter facility, would be required to pay a bond set at "an amount representing twenty percent (20%) of the estimated cost of building the facility or the operational costs of an existing facility." Any such action could only be brought in the county where the facility was being built.

If a court determines that an action challenging a license or permit for a horse slaughter facility was "without merit or was for an improper purpose designed to harass, cause delay, or improperly interfere with the ongoing operation of such facility", the court could award attorney fees and costs incurred in defending the action. Anyone who loses such a lawsuit, would be liable "for all financial losses the facility suffers if the court issues an injunction that halts operations while the action is pending".

The Commissioner of Agriculture would be required to issue rules and regulations to implement this bill if it becomes law.

It is not clear why Tennessee would limit access of its citizens to the courts in favor of foreign interests attempting to bring the seedy horse slaughter racket to the state. Rep. Niceley may not be aware there is unlikely to be any tax revenue from horse slaughter to benefit the state or local communities. Dallas Crown, for example, a foreign owned slaughter house that operated in Texas until it was shut down in 2007, paid $5.00 in taxes on $12 million in sales in one year, a typical amount. Go here for more on financial burdens that horse slaughter houses impose on states and communities.

Also, Rep. Niceley does not mention that the slaughter of horses for human consumption remains illegal in the U.S. The last 3 slaughter houses in the U.S. were shut down in 2007 as a result of Congressional action, state legislation and federal court decisions.

American horses are still sent for slaughter, however, usually to Mexico or Canada. A federal bill, the Conyers Burton Equine Prevention of Cruelty Act of 2009, H.R. 503/S.B. 727, would make it illegal to "possess..., ship..., transport..., purchase.., sell... deliver..., or receive" in interstate or foreign commerce any horse "with the intent that it is to be slaughtered for human consumption". It would also be illegal under this bill to trade in horse flesh or carcass for the purpose of human consumption.

Indeed, Rep. Niceley's bill is the latest in a series of resolutions and bills that pro horse slaughterers have filed in state legislatures this year as ploys to defeat H.R. 503/S.B. 727.

They also hope to create a market for horsemeat in the U.S. They want Americans to get used to the idea of eating their horses, their friends and companions. If Americans begin eating horsemeat, the theory is that Congress will be forced to fund ante-mortem inspections. Horse slaughter for human consumption is not legal in the U.S. currently because these required inspections are not funded. For more on this..... .

Rep. Niceley claims this bill would address the "problem" of unwanted horses. This is disingenuous. Horse slaughter is not a means of controlling numbers of "unwanted horses". This is a myth perpetuated by the horse slaughter industry that is simply intentionally repeated over and over again though proponents know it has no basis in fact.

Horse slaughter is a for profit practice, reaping millions for foreign investors each year. It is driven solely by a demand for horse meat, not unwanted horses, whatever that means. If everyone stopped eating horsemeat tomorrow, there would be no more horse slaughter, regardless of the number of unwanted horses.

Kill buyers buy horses at auction for slaughter, and the USDA has said over 92% of American horses slaughtered, are healthy, not old, sick, injured, or neglected. These horses were not unwanted; they were simply sold at auction, and their owners had no control over who purchased them. Without the kill buyers who skulk around horse auctions, looking for the best potential horse meat, most of these horses would be purchased by others or end up in rescues or sanctuaries.

A study released last year showed a decrease in horse abuse and neglect cases following closure of the last U.S. horse slaughter house in 2007. Any abandoned or neglected horses are not a result of a lack of horse slaughter houses.

Historically, there have not been increases in abandoned, neglected or abused horses following closures of horse slaughter houses. In 2002 the Illinois slaughter house burned to the ground and was out of commission for some time. Reports of abandoned, abused and neglected horses in the Illinois area were actually on the rise in the 2 years before the fire but decreased afterwards.

Remember the number of horses slaughtered in the U.S. dropped significantly from over 300,000 annually in the 1990s to 66,000 in 2004. There was no notable increase during that time of abandoned, abused or neglected horses.

When California banned horse slaughter in 1998, there was no rise in cases of cruelty or neglect to horses. In fact, there was a 39.4% decrease initially and that rose to 88% eventually in horse thefts. (What does that tell you about this "business"?)

Also, from 2004-2007 5000 horses were imported into the U.S. for slaughter. If horse slaughter occurs because of all the unwanted horses, why would these horse slaughter businesses need to import them? The answer is, of course, they wouldn't.

Horse slaughter has nothing to do with controlling numbers of unwanted horses. It is a business driven by a demand for horse meat primarily as a delicacy in foreign countries.

As John Holland, a free lance writer and researcher on horse slaughter and consultant for Americans Against Horse Slaughter and founder of Equine Welfare Alliance, has explained, "Kill buyers do not go around the country like dog catchers gathering 'unwanted horses' as a public service."

Rep. Niceley has also proposed a bill, H.B. 1361, that would amend state law to allow the packaging and sale of horsemeat without complying with the usual labeling and packaging requirements. This bill is in the House Agriculture Committee. Contact Committee members and also Tennessee legislators including your own if you live there. Urge committee members and other legislators including your own if you live in Tennessee, to vote NO on H.B. 1361.

Horsemeat is not packaged or sold in the state. This is simply another ploy to try to defeat the federal bill, H.R. 503/S.B. 727.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Miami-Dade Horse-theft and slaughter crosses county lines

Miramar horses' slaughter: Animal cruelty among potential charges, police say

Owner found carcasses of horses apparently slaughtered for their meat
By Rafael A. Olmeda, Ihosvani Rodriguez and Juan Ortega |
1:04 PM EDT, May 14, 2009

MIRAMAR - Police announced today that whoever recently slaughtered two horses for their meat in Miramar could face a litany of charges, including animal cruelty.

The horses' carcasses were "a really gruesome sight," Miramar police spokeswoman Tania Rues said.

She said other possible charges are: burglary, because a gate was broken to enter the horses' ranch; grand theft, because the horses had an unspecified value; and criminal mischief and vandalism.

The horses were recently found slain at a Miramar ranch, an incident that has the South Florida Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals worried that a disturbing trend has crossed the county line.

Humberto Ramos, a mechanic and owner of the ranch in the 4600 block of Flamingo Road, called police May 6 to report the deaths of the animals. He found them near a gate, lying in pools of blood with their legs severed, less than 50 yards from the road. Their haunches, rumps and parts of their abdomens were missing.

"My Lord," Ramos said. "Who would do something like this?"

As of today, no arrests have been made. No leads have been phoned to the Miramar Police Department, and police are checking whether tips have been phoned to Broward County Crime Stoppers.

The elder horse was named Oro. The other horse didn't have a name, Ramos said.

The horses were on a 30-acre ranch that has about two dozen cows and just as many goats.

Ramos, who has owned the farm for 14 years, said he has had it mostly as a hobby.

Ramos said he discovered his dead horses when he went over to feed them. He said he put what was left of the carcasses on a truck to move them away from near the roadway.

Ramos hopes rewards offered by various animal rights groups will help authorities track down whoever killed the 3-year-old and 7-year-old Paso Fino horses.

The Humane Society of the United States is offering a reward of up to $2,500 for information leading to the arrest and conviction of the person or persons responsible for killing the animals. People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals is also offering a reward.

"I can't sleep now," Ramos, 48, said Wednesday. "My blood pressure has been high for a week."

SPCA investigator and board member Richard Couto said the killing and butchering of horses has been a growing problem in Miami-Dade County for at least a year, but the Miramar incident was the first he had heard of in Broward County.

Miramar police are talking with Miami-Dade County authorities about their cases, but there has been no confirmation whether the Miramar case is linked to others, Rues said.

"For the most part, they've been targeting properties where no one lives on site," said Couto. While he didn't have an exact number of incidents, he said the culprits have struck mostly at night and on uninhabited properties. "It's extremely tough to catch them in the act," he said.

In the United States, the consumption of horse meat is not illegal, but the U.S. government stopped inspecting horse carcasses in 2006, and the last three businesses that butchered horses for human consumption shut down in 2007.

It's still legal, Couto said, to kill a horse you own so you can eat it yourself.

Not every country shares an aversion to horse meat. It's not uncommon to find horse on a restaurant menu in some Asian and South American countries, as well as in France, Belgium and Canada.

But Couto said he doesn't think the criminals in South Florida have been shipping the meat abroad.

"It wouldn't make sense to export the meat to places where it's legal because it's cheaper there," he said.

Pembroke Pines rancher Debbie Beye-Barwick said she's worried Broward horses are now being threatened by the same criminals who have been preying on animals to the south.

"When it was in Miami-Dade, we felt like it was happening somewhere else," she said. "We rescue horses in the United States. We don't eat them."

Detectives are reaching out to Miami law enforcement agencies investigating similar crimes. If captured, the poachers could face charges of animal cruelty, burglary, criminal mischief and grand theft.

Police ask anyone with information to call Broward County Crime Stoppers at 954-493-TIPS (8477).,0,3986132.story

Friday, May 15, 2009

Horse slaughter dream could be financial nightmare

For article by John Holland and Vicki Tobin, click on title above;

Horses Butchered in Meat-Seeking Massacre

Two more carcasses found slaughtered in Miramar


Updated 1:31 PM EDT, Thu, May 14, 2009

Two more horse carcases were found in South Florida and officials say it's all for the sake of selling the meat on the black market.

Two more horse carcasses were found on a small Miramar farm and police believe they were slaughtered for their meat in what is becoming a continuing problem in South Florida.

More Horses Slaughtered in Miramar

Click on title above to see pics and Watch Video

Following the killings of dozens of horses in Miami in March, two horses were killed in Miramar and police say it's for the meat.

The Last Ride

View Slideshow
WARNING: Slideshow contains some graphic images of horses that may be offensive to some.

The horses' owner called police after he found his two animals slaughtered last week, brutally butchered, missing several body parts and laying in pools of blood.

And it's not the first time. In March, dozens of horses carcasses were found stripped of their skin and meat and left on the side of the road in Miami, and officials say it's all for the sake of selling the meat on the black market.

"My Lord. Who would do something like this?" ranch owner Humberto Ramos told the Sun-Sentinel. "I can't sleep now. My blood pressure has been high for a week."

Though not illegal to eat in the U.S., the sale of horse meat for human consumption is illegal. Owners of horses are free to slaughter them for their own meal.

Though not a staple of the American dinner table, equine meat is in high demand by natives of the Caribbean, Cuba and other European countries who crave horse cuisine.

The horse meat can go for as much as $20 per pound on the black market.

The Humane Society of the United States is offering a reward of $2,500 for info leading to an arrest in the killings, and police say they're actively investigating the deaths.

Miramar police spokeswoman Tania Rues said that the three-year-old and seven-year-old horses were very important to Ramos.

"I think these horses were more than just pets to this person. He was very emotionally attached to them," Rues said. "It was just more than losing a pet."

Florida Horse Poaching Continues

by: Pat Raia
May 14 2009, Article # 14168

Police in Miramar, Fla., are searching for poachers responsible for killing two Paso Fino horses for their meat. The horses' butchered carcasses were discovered in their pasture on May 6 when their owner arrived to feed them.

The case is the latest in a series of similar incidents in Florida. In cases spanning back to 2007, the butchered remains of at least eight horses have been discovered in Miami Dade County. The Miramar case is the first such incident reported outside Miami Dade County. Investigators believe the incidents could be related.

"You could tell (the poachers) weren't doing this for the first time," said Miramar Police Public Information Officer Tania Rues.

Police speculate the incidents are connected to an illegal market, where horsemeat sells for as much as $20 per pound, Rues said.

If caught, the poachers face animal cruelty, burglary, grand theft, and criminal mischief charges.

The Humane Society of the United States is offering a $2,500 reward for information leading to the arrest and conviction of those connected with the incidents.

Miramar police are asking anyone with information about the incident to call the Broward County Crime Stoppers at 954/493-TIPS.

House weighs ban on equine double-decker transport

May 13, 2009

Washington -- The House of Representatives is considering a bill to ban transporting horses in double-deck trailers, thereby turning into federal law a similar rule the U.S. Department of Agriculture has had in place the last two years.
The Horse Transportation Safety Act of 2009 would prohibit anyone from transporting a horse "in interstate commerce" using a vehicle with two or more levels. The bill, also known as House Resolution 305, is before the House Subcommittee on Highway and Transit.

Several states have passed bans on double-deck horse transportation, and the USDA has prohibited the use of double-layer trailers to transport horses destined for slaughter since 2007.

Unlike the USDA rule, the new law, if passed, does not specify a purpose for the horse's travel but simply bans double-deck transportation altogether, according to legislation. Fines for violations would range from $100 to $500 per offense.

Related Links

USDA imposes horse-transport rules

Mo. lawmakers call for restarting horse slaughter

May 13, 2009

Missouri lawmakers are calling for the return of horse slaughtering in the United States.

State lawmakers on Wednesday gave final approval to a horse slaughtering resolution that will be sent to congressional leaders and Missouri's federal delegation.

The last horse slaughterhouse closed in 2007, and since then, thousands of animals have been trucked to Mexico and Canada for slaughter. Federal legislation proposes stopping that, too.

Missouri lawmakers contend that slaughtering the animals is humane because many unwanted horses are mistreated. The resolution urges Congress to offer incentives for new slaughtering facilities.

A critic of the measure said that horses shouldn't be slaughtered because they aren't eaten in the U.S.

Colorado Vets Polled on Unwanted Horse, Euthanasia Issues

Edited Press Release
May 13 2009, Article # 14158

Although anecdotes suggest the number of unwanted horses is growing, there is very little data that measures the magnitude of the problem or how extensively the various options to address the issue are being implemented.

To get a better handle on this situation, Jill Montgomery of JRAM Enterprises, an equine industry consulting firm, and Tom Lenz, DVM, chairman of the Unwanted Horse Coalition, in collaboration with the Colorado Veterinary Medical Association and the Animal Assistance Foundation, developed and conducted an anonymous survey of veterinarians practicing in the state of Colorado.

An e-mail with a link to the online survey was sent out to 1,279 veterinarians, including the estimated 130 with equine practices. Of the 128 responses, 76 were from veterinarians whose practices include equine care. Respondents were distributed throughout the state, with 53%, 40%, and 7% identifying the location of their equine practices as rural, suburban, and urban, respectively.

Incidence of Horse Euthanasia

Seventy-nine percent of the equine veterinarians that responded to the survey had euthanized a horse in the past 12 months. Of these practitioners, 19% said they experienced an increase in the number of euthanasia cases compared to the previous 12 months.

Euthanasia by barbiturate overdose was used almost exclusively among this group, with only 5% of the cases involving gunshot to euthanize the animal. However, 63% of the equine practitioners answered that they would be willing to use gunshot if requested, and comments indicated an interest in training in this method of euthanasia, as it is less expensive and reduces risks associated with carcass disposal.

Incidence and Attitudes toward Euthanasia for Owner Convenience

Among the equine practitioners, 77% responded that they had seen horses they considered to be unwanted during the past 12 months. Although it was often perceived that many of these horses were unwanted due to age, injury, or sickness, 83% of the cases involved an inability to afford the costs associated with the horse.

Twenty-two percent of equine veterinarians had euthanized at least one horse for an owner's convenience during the past 12 months. While 86% of these veterinary practices reported no change in the number of euthanasias for an owner's convenience, 13% reported an increase. Almost all of this increase occurred in the rural areas of the state.

Across all veterinarians that took the survey, 31% would be willing to euthanize a healthy horse for the owner's convenience. This figure rose to 42% among the equine practitioners, and to 46% among the rural equine practitioners.

Although the survey did not directly assess if this number represents a change from previous years, the increase in euthanasia for an owner's convenience might suggest an increase in the number of unwanted horses.

While euthanasia has traditionally been used on horses with significantly reduced quality of life due to age, disease, or chronic lameness, it is more frequently seen as a solution for animals that are no longer wanted or affordable.

Euthanasia of horses for an owner's convenience represents a moral dilemma that balances the life of a healthy horse against other means of disposal and the potential for animal cruelty. The majority of Colorado veterinarians involved in this study indicated that they remain resistant to the use of euthanasia as an option for reducing the number of unwanted horses.

The critical question of how to handle the perceived increase in the number of unwanted horses remains unanswered. Study organizers noted that it is vital that the equine community identifies, explores, and implements acceptable options for the care and management of horses that are no longer wanted by their owners.--Summary courtesy Kevin Morris (Animal Assistance Foundation) and Jill Montgomery (JRAM Enterprises)

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Talking Mules & Horses

and one that wrote a book

Click on title above for a light-hearted read with videos about some famous equines in our American culture, a talking mule, a talking horse, ..and one black stallion that wrote a book penned for him by Anna Sewell-----

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

"Unwanted" Horse Veterinary Relief Program a BIG Success

..a big success that is, for "duly registered" 501(c) non-profits. I am wondering when help will come for the private rescues and horse-owners struggling to make ends meet?
Oh well, we've got to start someplace, right?

Click on title to go to the AAEPs website to thank them for taking the iniatitave to start this progam. While you are at it you can suggest to them that they expand their program to include help for the struggling private rescues and owners.


Unwanted Horse Veterinary Relief Campaign Aids More Than 1,400 Horses

Veterinarians and equine rescue and retirement facilities are teaming up to help rehabilitate, revitalize and, ultimately, find new homes for America’s unwanted horses through the Unwanted Horse Veterinary Relief Campaign (UHVRC). Although the campaign was launched only four months ago, the UHVRC already has provided aid to more than 1,400 horses across the nation.

Established in December 2008 by Intervet/Schering-Plough Animal Health and the American Association of Equine Practitioners (AAEP), the UHVRC is committed to protecting the health of unwanted horses by donating equine vaccines to qualifying equine rescue and retirement facilities.

“The Unwanted Horse Veterinary Relief Campaign has been tremendously successful so far in accomplishing the goal of providing equine rescue and rehabilitation facilities with the resources they need to promote the health and welfare of the horses in their care,” says Cynthia Gutierrez, DVM, Equine Technical Services Veterinarian for Intervet/Schering-Plough Animal Health. “To date, Intervet/Schering-Plough Animal Health has donated 1,470 PreveNile® West Nile virus vaccines, 1,470 Prestige® V vaccines and 1,380 EquiRab™ rabies vaccines through the UHVRC to equine rescue and retirement facilities across the country.”

The widespread need for a program like the UHVRC is evident from the more-than-100 applications received by the program since Jan. 1, 2009, from eligible equine rescue and retirement facilities. Applications for more than 4,500 horses have been submitted by facilities in 35 states.

“It is extremely encouraging to see so many rescue and retirement facilities and veterinarians working together to apply for aid from the Unwanted Horse Veterinary Relief Campaign,” says Dana Kirkland, Industry Education and Development Coordinator for the AAEP. “We are thrilled that we have been able to donate vaccines for more than 1,400 horses in need thus far; however, demand still exceeds supply. We look forward to accommodating more facilities and their horses as the program continues to grow.”

Getting Involved
Equine rescue and retirement facilities should work with an AAEP-member veterinarian to complete and submit an application, the facilities checklist and the equine vaccine order form to receive complimentary Intervet/Schering-Plough Animal Health equine vaccines.

Three of Intervet/Schering-Plough Animal Health’s equine vaccines are available through the UHVRC program: PreveNile West Nile virus vaccine; EquiRab rabies vaccine; and Prestige V (KY93, KY02 and NM2/93 flu strains, EHV-1, EHV-4, EEE, WEE and tetanus).

Equine facilities that follow the AAEP Care Guidelines for Equine Rescue and Retirement Facilities and have a not-for-profit 501(c)(3) tax-exempt status are qualified to receive support from the UHVRC. To download an application and the AAEP Care Guidelines or to learn more about the UHVRC, visit:

A portion of all Intervet/Schering-Plough Animal Health equine vaccine sales beginning Dec. 1, 2008, has gone to support the UHVRC. To learn more about Intervet/Schering-Plough Animal Health’s full line of innovative, high-quality equine health products, visit


Monday, May 11, 2009

A Pro-slaughter Rant from a "lifetime lover of horses" or Becky Lisles' Lies

In addition to boasting a life-time love of horses, the authoress also confesses to be a 5th generation rancher. Gee, do we know any ranchers or breeders that arent for horse-slaughter?

Oh well, here is the PS BS article; If you click on to the title above you can leave comments to the article. Please do.


Despite good intentions, activists do horses a disservice

BY BECKY LISLE - Idaho Statesman
Published: 05/08/09

Comments (11) | Recommend (2)
There is nothing like an economic slump to demonstrate that the proverbial manure indeed runs downhill. Faced with the increasing need for frugality, people are forced to cut unnecessary expenses, and often, one of those expenses is that of keeping animals - especially horses, since the cost of a single equine's annual feed and care easily tops a thousand dollars.

Prior to 2007, owners needing to get rid of a horse had a number of options, one of which was slaughter. Through well-meaning but sadly misguided lobbying, activists succeeded in closing three operational U.S. horse processing plants, forcing slaughter-bound horses across the borders into Canada or Mexico.

The ethnocentric "reasoning" behind the campaign to end horse slaughter is purely emotional - the captive bolt gun method of slaughter used in U.S. plants has been deemed humane for equines by the American Veterinary Medical Association, as well as by the American Association of Equine Practitioners.

The flooded horse market, coupled with tough economic times, means that unwanted horses have virtually no value, making it impractical to send a horse to slaughter across the border, since the meager profit doesn't come close to covering the cost of transportation.

Other than slaughter, options for disposal - ranging in degree of humanity and feasibility - include finding a new home for the horse, veterinary-induced euthanasia, putting the horse down the old-fashioned way, or, unfortunately, neglect and abandonment.

Anti-slaughter activists naively insist that homes can be found for unwanted horses, when that simply is not the case. Many horses sent to slaughter are unusable, whether the issue is a physical or temperamental one. In the current economy, finding a new home for one unwanted horse is unlikely, much less for the tens of thousands of horses that are sent to slaughter annually. Most individuals do not have the time, facilities or resources to take in a project horse, and rescue facilities are already full to overflowing.

Veterinary-induced euthanasia and subsequent carcass disposal is expensive, especially for someone who can't afford to feed a horse any longer. For all the lip service being paid and effort being made to force this method on horse owners, very few activists are willing to donate the funds. Carcass disposal itself is an issue, because the barbiturate-tainted body becomes biohazardous waste - not to mention that dead horses fill up a landfill much faster than dead dogs or cats.

As far as an owner putting a bullet in Ol' Blackie, the fact is that few people have the gumption or the aim to do it properly. And again, there is the issue of carcass disposal. Let us not forget the recent discovery of horses shot to death on Bureau of Land Management land.

The sad truth is that without other affordable, viable solutions, many horse owners neglect or abandon their horses, leaving the animal to die a slow, agonizing death from starvation. Is this one of the anti-slaughter camp's "more humane ways to deal with an unwanted horse"?

For the sake of actual well-being of horses that have outlived their usefulness for one reason or another, the processing option needs to remain available. Histrionics should not override sound animal science.

Fortunately for anti-slaughter activists, the disaster they have worked so hard to create is not one that they will be held directly accountable to solve. All their grandstanding about equine well-being is not enough to keep horses from being the ones left standing at the bottom of the hill.

Becky Lisle of Bruneau is a freelance writer, fifth-generation rancher and lifetime horse-lover.

Friday, May 8, 2009

HSUS & Doris Day Foundation Develop New Horse Rescue & Adoption Center


The Humane Society of the United States and Doris Day Announce the Development of New Horse Rescue and Adoption Center

(May 4, 2009) — The Humane Society of the United States is pleased to announce plans to develop the Doris Day Horse Rescue and Adoption Center at the Cleveland Amory Black Beauty Ranch. Thanks to a generous donation of $250,000 by the Doris Day Animal Foundation, the new center will serve as a model facility for the re-homing of horses. The Cleveland Amory Black Beauty Ranch, the most diverse sanctuary for rescued abused, neglected and abandoned animals, is located in Murchison, Texas. The new center is projected to open by the end of 2009.

“I loved Cleveland Amory, and this is the culmination of a dream of mine,” says Doris Day, founder of the Doris Day Animal Foundation. “Cleveland was a great friend and humanitarian, and we often talked about ways to help even more horses. Now, through the new Doris Day Horse Rescue and Adoption Center at Cleveland’s ranch, horses will get the loving care, safety and security that they deserve.”

The HSUS has worked with horse rescues throughout the United States for a number of years to provide support and coordination to assist in caring for and re-homing horses in need. This new facility will allow the HSUS to develop and implement state of the art techniques to identify the most efficient and effective methods for caring for horses in need and to place them in loving homes for life.

“The Black Beauty Ranch was originally founded to save 577 burros living in the Grand Canyon, and I know that Cleveland would be so happy to know that his wonderful friend Doris Day is helping provide such fantastic support for animals at the nation’s most diverse animal care facility,” said Wayne Pacelle, president and CEO of The HSUS. “Doris and Cleveland are two of the most important figures in the era of the contemporary animal protection movement, and this is thrilling for me to see this reunion of their interests.”

Doris Day and The HSUS had been discussing ways to work together on a horse rescue project, and the non-profit Doris Day Animal Foundation recently helped fund publication of The Humane Society of the United States’ Complete Guide to Horse Care.

For more information
Media Contacts:

The HSUS/Martin Montorfano: 301-258-3152;

Doris Day Animal Foundation/Linda Dozoretz: 323-656-4499;

Follow The HSUS on Twitter

Montana Slaughter Law Could Face Challenges

by: Pat Raia
May 06 2009, Article # 14112

A new Montana state law invites private investors to develop horse slaughter facilities in that state. But opponents say compliance and court challenges might discourage prospective investors from ever breaking ground on plant projects.

HB 418 insulates plant developers from permit and licensing challenges on environmental and other grounds, and awards attorney and court fees to plaintiffs in cases District Courts deem harassing or without merit. It automatically became law last Friday after Gov. Brian Schweitzer declined to sign or veto it 10 days after it reached his desk (read more).

Nancy Perry, vice president of Government Affairs for the Humane Society of the United States, said the legislation could be challenged because it removes Montana citizens' right to sue plant developers in state courts.

There are also some concerns with food safety compliance issues. All meat processing plants in the United States are subject to USDA regulation and product inspection, said Amanda Eamich, spokesperson for the agency's Food Inspection Service. But congress previously stripped the USDA's funding for horse processing plant inspections.

"U.S. law prohibits the funding of inspectors for the regulation of horse slaughter," Eamich said. "Without the federal inspections, they couldn't get the meat out of state or out of the country."

HB 418 sponsor Rep. Ed Butcher argued that since meat processed in Montana would be destined for European markets, plant owners could employ European Union personnel to regulate the plants and conduct product inspections.

"Then inspection challenges would go to the world trade court," Butcher explained.

He also disagrees that the law is unconstitutional.

"Courts have the right to offer an opinion about legislation--they do not have the right to make law. That's the legislature's job," he said.

*Bloggers note to Butcher: Correctamungo, asshole, statutory law rules over all else, particularly federal statutes, and I believe there is something in the federal law (US Constitution / Bill of Rights) that bestows upon any citizen the "right to redress grievances through the courts." You bill would deny citizens that right....therefore, its unconstitutional and will not stand.

Six young ladies seek title of Miss Rodeo Queen

I am wondering how these young cow-girls feel about horse-slaughter? I cant imagine they would be for it, but then again,....its rodeo. Who knows, maybe they are not even aware of what is happening with our horses today. So many horse-people arent. Either that, or they believe the pro-slaughter hype.
by Bill Thornley

SPOONER, WI — Plans are shifting into high gear for the 56th-Annual Spooner Heart O’ North Rodeo, July 9-12. Among the first orders of business is the selection of new rodeo royalty.

Rodeo queen tryouts will be held on Saturday, May 9, at the Spooner Rodeo Arena, starting at 10 a.m. and concluding at approximately 2 p.m.

The 2009 queen and princess will be announced and crowned right after the tryouts are completed and the scores tallied.

Six young ladies will compete this year, including Kyndra Swan, Amber O’Shea Dorn, Stephanie Smith, Miriah Lehmann, Shawny Kleven and Kristine Wartman.

The 2009 queen and princess will be introduced officially for the first time at the kickoff of the 56th rodeo, the Spooner Rodeo Media Night Bar-B-Que and Sponsor Night on June 16.

The 2009 Spooner Rodeo queen candidates have prepared short biographies, presented here:

Kyndra Swan

My name is Kyndra Swan. I am 17 years old and currently a senior attending Shell Lake High School. After graduation, I am going to be attending Lake Superior College in Duluth. I am entering the paralegal field and studying legal administrative assistance.

I have lived in the Spooner/Shell Lake area my entire life. I live with my parents, Ed and Tammy Swan. I have one older brother, Cody, who lives in the Twin Cities.

My horse Cody is a 13-year-old tricolored paint. The first time I saw him and hopped on him bareback, I knew he was meant for me. We have been together for three years now, and we are starting our fourth summer together.

Cody and I participate in the 4-H horse program, and we trail ride. In 4-H we like to compete in events like Western pleasure, trail, barrels, speed dash, keyhole, pole bending and flag race.

I have always loved the rodeo and all it stands for. I would love to be able to represent the rodeo and Spooner. I believe that I would be able to represent the Spooner Rodeo in a positive light because I am sociable, organized, and I love to have fun. The rodeo committee always works hard to make the rodeo a huge success. I would love to show people the joys and thrills of the rodeo and all the interesting places Spooner and the Spooner area have to offer.

Amber Rose O’Shea Dorn

Hey! My name is Amber Rose O’Shea Dorn. I’m the daughter of Phil Dorn and Donna O’Shea Dorn. I’m 18 years old, and I’m currently a freshman at UW-Stout.

I began my journey with horses when I moved to Cumberland from downtown Milwaukee. I started with the horseless-horse project in 4-H when I was 7 or 8 years old, then finally got my very own horse.

I was involved with the 4-H horse project up until last summer when I graduated from high school and moved on to college.

I performed in open shows with my horse as well, and I attended many horse events such as expos and lots of great rodeos.

I would love to represent the Spooner Rodeo along with Spooner itself, and I feel that I could accomplish that goal with all my people skills, my horse skills and the motivation to strive hard to get things I really want.

Stephanie Rose Smith

My name is Stephanie Rose Smith. I am 16 years old and a junior at Cameron High School. I have been showing horse since third grade around the state of Wisconsin and parts of Minnesota. I participate in the Western pleasure, English and Gymkhana events. I’ve shown and placed at county, district and state levels for Gymkhana and pleasure. I’ve trained every horse I’ve shown and am now working with Sherrie Nichols Performance Horses.

Currently, I have participated in numerous extracurricular activities over the years, such as 4-H, American Paint Horse Association, Wisconsin State Honors Music Association, prom committee, Relay For Life, FFA, FBLA, Spanish Club, Student Council, National Conference for Youth Catholics, basketball and volleyball. Each of these activities I am involved in keeps my life full of interesting, exciting and challenging experiences.

Also, I have participated in volunteer service projects and fundraisers within these organizations. Taking part in activities such as highway cleanups, caroling and playing games with the elderly in nursing homes, and planting trees and cleaning local public parks are beneficial and fun ways to give back to my community.

Furthermore, I hope to attend a college or university to study large animal veterinary science, with emphasis on equine. Being selected as the Spooner Rodeo queen or princess would expose me to many educational experiences that would benefit my future.

Miriah Lehmann

Hi, rodeo fans! My name is Miriah Lehmann and my parents are Ryan and Suzy Lehmann from Barronett. I have two sisters, Tinille and Alyse. I was born and raised on a dairy farm and have been employed by the family farm for six years. Someday I hope to have a career in veterinary medicine.

On the farm I learned strong work ethics and the love of horses. I love all my horses, but my horse Sonny is at the top of the list. I have been riding horses since the third grade and love the time I spend with them. When I am not riding, caring for my horses or working on the farm, I spend my spare time practicing and playing the sport of hockey.

I was very honored and considered it a great privilege to be chosen to represent the rodeo as princess last year. I enjoyed participating in the rodeo, the interviews on radio and television and traveling to many different parades. Throughout the year I grew as an individual and will cherish the memories and the experiences forever.

It would be an honor to be chosen as the queen this year. If selected, I will represent the city of Spooner and the Spooner Rodeo to the best of my ability.

Shawny Kleven

Hi, I’m Shawny Kleven. I’m a junior at Rice Lake High School. Twelve years ago I fell in love with horseback riding. Since then I’ve developed my riding skills, and for the past nine years I’ve been competing in the Barron County Fair.

While I’ve competed in many events, my horse Bandit and I love the thrill of Gymkhana. Besides competing at the county fair, I’ve also shown at districts, state and the Washburn County Fun Show.

On top of being involved with horse, I also am involved in school activities. I’m a varsity athlete in both soccer and gymnastics. I participate in National Honor Society, Key Club and International Club. In my spare time I stay involved with my community, I’m the vice president of my 4-H club, I volunteer at the Lakeview Medical Center, as well as at the Brill Area Sportsmen Club, and I also stay involved with my church activities.

I’ve been attending the Spooner Rodeo since I was a month old. Ever since I was little I’ve always wanted to become involved in the Spooner Rodeo, and I feel this opportunity is a way to achieve my goal. I hope to see you at the 56th-Annual Heart of the North Spooner Rodeo.

Kristine Wortman

Hi! I am Kristine Wortman, daughter of Dan and Karen, and sister of Matt, Andy and Tim.

My hobbies consist of horseback riding, gaming, snowboarding, reading, writing, doing anything outside, listening to people, playing music on my saxophone and clarinet, drawing and hunting.

At school I am involved in S.O.D.A., F.C.C.L.A., Forensics, yearbook staff, band, jazz band, marching band, pep band, kinship, volleyball and secretary of my class.

Outside of school I am involved in 4-H, camp counselors, horse camp, Polk County Fair, church, hunting and riding clubs.

When I graduate I would like to go to college for a major in architecture and equine therapy.

My horses are Classical Lady, an American paint mare, and Jewel, a quarter horse mare. They have both been trained by my mom and I, and have been fine-tuned to be my best buddies.

I am honored to be considered for the Spooner Rodeo royalty position. I feel that I could represent the Spooner district well, because I am responsible, independent, creative, outgoing, ambitious, supportive, positive, respectful and willing to try new things.

My goals for myself, if I get the position, are have lots of fun, meet and make new friends, encourage others to step out of their comfort zone and try something new, be a role model for younger people, and leave a shining trail for others to follow. I would like to thank the committee for considering me as a candidate.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Equine Lobbyist: Horse Industry Must Be Diligent in D.C.

by: Ryan Conley

May 01 2009, Article # 14082

There's a new president in town, and a Congress even more dominated by Democrats, but one of the nation's top lobbyists for equine interests said April 30 that the horse industry must be ever-diligent about protecting and advancing its positions in Washington, D.C.

American Horse Council president Jay Hickey, who was speaking at the 24th National Conference on Equine Law in Lexington, outlined lobbying efforts on three major legislative fronts: gambling, immigration, and taxes. But he warned that it will be difficult to get anything pushed through Congress until challenges in the economy are dealt with first.

"It's not like we are the stimulus package or bailing out (General Motors) or something like that," he said during a presentation at the Embassy Suites conference center. "But it's important that we continue to work. Because what happens in D.C., as you've seen in the last couple of months, affects everyone."

Despite pre-election speeches from President Obama touting plans for sweeping immigration reform, Hickey said that issue, which directly impacts the horse industry, won't be dealt with anytime soon.

"I don't see this coming up this year," said Hickey, whose group represents more than 180 organizations, including those in Thoroughbred horse racing and breeding. "It's not going to happen before stimulus or energy reform, but we are hopeful it will be looked at before the end of the year."

The AHC supports comprehensive immigration reform, which would include looks at the H-2A and H-2B programs that allow foreigners to obtain temporary work visas, including many toiling in the horse industry. Hickey said the AHC is looking for ways to legalize existing workers and streamline the process for future employees.

"You can't all of a sudden send half or 75% of our workers back to a foreign country," he said. "You can build security fences ... you can do all of these things as long as you have a way to bring in workers, and legalize your existing workers."

Immigration reform was put on the back burner following a troubled attempt at overhaul in 2007 under the Bush administration.

"It turned into a disaster because of that dreaded 'A' word: amnesty," Hickey said. "Anything that would allow undocumented workers to legalize their status is categorized as amnesty by many people."

But, Hickey wondered aloud, "What are you going to do with 15 million people, half of which are children and already U.S. citizens? I have no idea what you are going to do with that."

Ready to gamble

On the gambling front, Hickey praised efforts by the racing industry to protect its status in Internet gambling by securing grandfathered language in the 2006 Unlawful Internet Gambling Enforcement Act. But he said Democratic Sen. Barney Frank of Massachusetts is likely to sponsor a bill to license operators of Internet gambling Web sites, and place them under the authority of the Treasury Department and other regulators.

"That bill is going to be introduced shortly," Hickey said. "And it's up to the industry to ensure that whatever happens, there is a carve-out, and a grandfather (clause), so that horse racing can continue to do what it has been doing on an interstate basis.

"Internet gambling is going to be a big-ticket item--not now, not over the next two weeks, but in the future for this Congress as Mr. Frank tries to get his bill passed," he continued. "There is going to be action on this, and we have to be very careful."

Hickey also lauded the prospect of the Pari-Mutuel Conformity and Equality Act, which was introduced April 28 by Democratic Rep. John Yarmuth of Kentucky. If passed, the bill would eliminate the automatic 25% withholding by the federal of government on winning wagers of $5,000 or more that feature 300-1 odds or higher.

"If we can keep that money in the betting pool, in the churn ... it would be much better for racetracks, for the owners, and for the states," he said. "We are hopeful that we can get that passed."

Tax breaks, for now

Hickey also noted that a previously passed law on tax depreciation went into effect at the beginning of the year. All owners are now allowed to depreciate their horses over three years, as opposed to previous mandates that required some to be depreciated over seven years, depending on when they were placed into service.

Due to an extension signed in February by President Obama, in 2009 owners can again expense up to $250,000 of a horse or other business property purchased and placed into service. A cap of $800,000 in purchases is allowed, from where the allowance goes down dollar for dollar. Owners this year can in certain circumstances also utilize an additional 50% bonus on the balance leftover from the $250,000 allowance.

"You would think that the sales would be going crazy, but unfortunately, you need the cash, or borrow it, to take advantage of it," Hickey said, referencing the current state of economic turmoil.

Hickey also feels horse welfare/slaughter issues will be "big part of this Congress." He said while there are no slaughter houses operating in the U.S., three or four states are considering opening such facilities. He said the AHC is neutral on the issue of slaughter.

*Bloggers note: That the AHC is "neutral" on horse slaughter is bullshit. The AHC AS WELL as all its affiliated state branches, are "secretly" pro-slaughter. We have been trying to get the AHC and state horse-councils to take a vote of the members for years, but they refuse to do so, despite requests from its own members!

(Originally published at

Opponents of Montanas Horse-slaughter Bill react

Click on title above for article;

Another pro-slaughter "horse-lover," painting a Grand Illusion

"Horse-loving breeder" speaks out in support of horse slaughter, asking us, what is so special about a horse;

Click on title above to go to the blog and REBUT REBUT REBUT

Thanks for caring.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Will we Ever Know if ole' Leroy Paid His Fine?

Well I hear ole' Leroy Baker is still in the equine auction business so I am
wondering did he pay the $162,000 fine that was due by January 16, 2009. I
called the USDA APHIS office in washinton DC and spoke to a Carlton Bradshaw at
the Hearing Clerks Office (202) 720-4443. I gave him the docket # of leroys case
(AQ-08-0074) and he looked it up and told me that he did not know if the fine
was paid yet or not. He explained that once a judgement is final, and a fine
imposed, it is the Treasury Dept that is responsible for
collection.......sooooooo, I called the Treasury Dept Debt Collection Services
(888-826-3127)and reiterated my question as to whether or not the fine imposed
upon Leroy Baker of Sugarcreek Auction was paid,....only to be told that the
pubic WAS NOT PRIVY to that information!

My next attempt at trying to find out is to contact Thomas N. Bolick, Esq., the
USDA attorney of record for Leroys case,....but I dont hold out much hope for an
answer from him. Apparently, because ole' Leroy and his co. is a private
business, we may never know if he paid the fine or not.

R we Ok with that? I dont think so!


Click on title above to see a copy of the judgement against Leroy;

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Horse Counsil Survey Results

On March 8, 2009, I sent the survey (below) to each and every one of the state horse counsils, and only two responded, NY and TX, and of course, they professed to be pro-slaughter. At least they had the wherewithall to admit it.


A National Survey of Horse Councils & Other Equine Organizations

Keeping Our Eye on the Horse

Greetings Fellow Equine Lovers!

We are conducting a National Survey for use in helping us to determine the “National Conscience” of horsemen and woman in the United States in regards to the issue of horse-slaughter. As you may know, currently there are two (2) bills in Congress that would prohibit the slaughter of American Horses for human consumption abroad. The bills, HR 305 & 503, would also prohibit their exportation to other countries for slaughter and human consumption. These two bills are the subject of much debate, not only in Congress but in every state in the nation as well. We are hoping to put some clarity into the issue by helping to identify and define more clearly the “mind-set” of the two positions , both for and against. We are attempting to answer the questions, “Who is for” and “Who is against” and why. We are also seeking to determine, what, if any, alternatives to slaughter there may be. We are hoping that your organization will assist us in our efforts by completing this short and simple survey. Once completed, you can email it back to us by hitting the reply to this email, or email us at

Thank you!

1. Name of Organization:________________________________________________

2. City / State: _________________________________________________________

3. Number of Members: ___________

4. Stated Purpose, Mission & Goals: _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

5. Your Organizations “Official” Position on Horse-Slaughter;

For ( ) Against ( )

Explain: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

6. Was the official position as indicated above arrived at by a vote of all its members?

Yes ( ) No ( )

7. If not determined by vote of its members, how then was the determination arrived at?


8. If your organization is FOR horse slaughter, would your organization reconsider its position if there were real alternatives and workable solutions to the “unwanted” horse problem, such as more rescue, rehab and retirement facilities? Yes ( ) No ( )

9. If alternatives to slaughter existed, such as listed above, would your organization be willing to contribute a small part of its annual proceeds to such alternative programs? YES ( ) NO ( )

10. Of all your organizations members, how many are:

Breeders:__________________ Casual owner / riders that dont breed_______________

Click on title above to see (and sign) petition;

American and State Horse Councils Pro-Slaughter;
Click on title above to see petition;