Ipswich Equine Rescue Corp
Irish Mist Farm
18644 Mathis Road,
Waller, Texas 77484
EIN Federal Number 04-3282940
Federal/State 501(C)3 non profit equine rescue.
SOS for starving PREGNANT mares and foals in TX
Ipswich Equine Rescue started rescuing OTTB'S in the late 80's.We became a federal/state 501(c)3 non profit equine rescue in Ipswich, Massachusetts.We strive to improve the lives of neglected,abused,mistreated,starved and slaughterbound equines.IER started the PREMARIN FOAL MISSION in 93 to 94.We promote ,educate and teach horsemanship through our experienced professional licensed trainers and instructors.We use the natural Irish/Indian horse whispering join up methods with all of our rescue horses.We have educated the general public regarding the atrocities of Equine Slaughter and Premarin through media coverage and national TV coverage. We strive to excell in all that we do.We had a 100 % success rate with YOUTH AT RISK, 4 H,local horsemanship classes and volunteers, also with teaching therapuetic riding to the less fortunate handicapped individuals.We have several successful years as horseman in Eventing, Jumping, Hunters, english Pleasure, Showing in Hand, dressage, etc.We have many years of education and practicum combined to give the safest possible equine haven and sanctuary.
On May 10th,2009 we are rescuing 11 starved equines from Anderson County, Texas.We are working with Marie a professional Arab rider and rescuer.The equines are at 301 Private Road, Tennesse Colony,TX.
These paint mares /Quarter horse mares , Arab and Thoroughbred/Qh mares are all PREGNANT and need ER VET care ASAP?Here is a list of the equines we will be rescuing. Contact Marie 903-729-6068 or Kathleen 936-372-0028
1.5 year old appaloosa mare
2.5 year old big bay thoroughbred mare
3.3 year old paint breeding stock colt with stunted growth
4.chestnut quarter horse mare 18 years old very thin and PREGNANT
5.bay Quarter horse mare 4 or 5 years old
6.black PREGNANT arab mare
7. black and white tobiano paint mare with a less than 1 month old black and white filly weanling at her side(these 2 horses will die without proper feed and nutrients)
9. Big black quarter horse stallion 15.3 hands 6 years old
10.medicine hat paint mare PREGNANT very thin 7 years old
11. red roan quarterhorse appendix older PREGNANT Mare
Donations can be sent to;
Ipswich Equine Rescue/Kathleen Hofferty
Irish Mist Farm
18644 Mathis Road, Waller, TX 77484
Paypal donations can be made by visiting our website at www.ipswichequinerescuetx.bravehost.com
You can click on the title above to go there
We and the horses thank you!
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